As spring approaches, you will likely begin writing up your spring cleaning to-do list. But is there something you’ve left off? Something you’ve left off every year? Don’t forget to include air duct cleaning on your spring cleaning list this year! If you haven’t had them cleaned recently, now is a great time to do so! And, as the trusted professionals in air duct cleaning for the Twin Cities and surrounding areas, we’d like to tell you why.

Allergy season. Spring is a major allergy season for millions of Americans. In fact, symptoms of both hay fever and asthma can be triggered by dust mites, mold, and other allergens often found in air ducts and elsewhere in the home. And, when you turn on your air conditioning for the first time this year, these types of allergens can be pushed out and into the home.
Do you notice allergy symptoms when you turn on your heating/cooling system? Then you should most definitely include air duct cleaning on your spring cleaning to-do list to help avoid this occurrence. Do you have asthma that’s not well controlled even though you’re taking your medicine? Air duct cleaning is something else you can do to help ease asthma symptoms all year round. After all, it’s better safe than sorry for people who have underlying asthma or allergies or breathing issues.
Is your home more than ten years old or does your house constantly collect dust no matter how much you clean it? These are some more indicators you should be scheduling professional air duct cleaning this spring.
Also, try to reduce the likelihood that allergens will accumulate in the first place. If you purchase a new home this home buying season, schedule air duct cleaning straight away to get it ready for the arrival of your family.
When you call Vent Guys we can customize an air duct cleaning schedule to meet your specific wants and needs. The air duct cleaning process takes just a few hours and depends on the square footage and amount of vent openings in your home. We employ a variety of methods to clean each venting system that we work on.
Don’t forget one of the most important parts of spring cleaning; air duct cleaning! Are you interested in setting up air duct cleaning for your Twin Cities home? Call Vent Guys at 612-492-1342 or contact us.